
PAK128.german は、海岸から高山までのドイツの風景や地域(地帯)を表現しています。
English labelPAK128.german
Not shown:
arctic climate - Glacial zone

適切なビルや工場を備えた均質な都市が生まれるように、気候帯ごとに2つの高さレベルを推奨します(海岸は1つで十分です)。高山の麓と-ゾーンは3つのレベルを含むべきです。山岳度(山地の占める割合)の値は低くすべきです(最高0、最大2)。そうしないと、シムトランスは、部分的に非常に大規模な工場や観光地のための場所を見つけることができないかもしれません。Simutrans 120.xの平らなマップでは、エリアが他の気候帯(地域)に割り当てられている場合も使用できます。これは、地形構築ツールによって可能になります。


The results also depend on the selected card and the size of the card.





プレーヤーは常に荷物のタイプから始めるべきです。現時点で入手可能な安くて近代的な車を選びましょう。バージョン120.4.1以降、コスト/ユニットに応じて車庫を並び替えできるようになりました。ここでは、車両データベースで「rcost% e」に従って車両を並べることもできます。これは、可能な収益に対するコストの割合です。このようにして見つけた車は、最高速度が低いかもしれません。例えば、貨物列車の場合は、65km/hや90km/hになることが多いのです。あとは、速度や列車の長さに合わせて、適切な機関車を選ぶことができます。貨物列車の先頭に急行機関車を使用することは、通常、経済的に無理があります。市街地を走るバスの場合、市街地では時速50kmの制限があるので注意が必要です。より速いバスは不必要で高価になります。

電車の編成については、ブンデスバーンの現実を知ることができます: 鉄道は、あまり頻繁に利用されない支線に安価な車両を使用してきました。これらは、蒸気機関車、レールバス、シルバーリング付きV100、BR628でした。
一方、プロトタイプや豪華列車、高速列車は通常、高価です。Rheingold, Schienenzeppelin, TEE VT11.5, BR103 with InterCity (食堂車), ET403, ICEの経済的な運用は困難です。





初心者の方へのアドバイス: どうしても電車が走らない、突然止まってしまう場合は


  • 各トラックは一方向にのみ使用してください。
  • 通常の信号のみを使用し、それも一方向のみに使用します。
  • また、プラットフォームも一方向にのみ使用します。
  • 時刻表を作成する際には注意が必要です。停留所は正しい方向のホームに置きます。


  1. 一本の列車にいくつもの停車駅がある単線。ここでは、それ以上は許されません。さもなければ、デッドロックになります。
  2. 3つの列車のためのいくつかの停留所と通過ループを持つワントラック。3つの列車とそれ以上の列車がないと、デッドロックが起こります。
  3. 9本の列車が停車する1本の線路で、信号機がない場合。ホームが2つある駅を利用。
  4. 終端信号と待合所を選んだ終着駅。停留所のある単線でのデッドロックを防ぐため、ロングブロック信号を使用。13本の列車が可能。
  5. 停留所のあるシンプルな複線では14本以上の列車が可能。

Single track with passing points more than 3 trains?

I have a single-track line with single-track stations, like point 2 in the example above. I have several passing points, can I then also drive more than 3 trains?
No, the smallest passing point determines how many trains can run on the whole route. If the passing point can accommodate two trains (train 1 and 2), then a maximum of one train may stand on one side of the passing point (train 3). The (train 4) leads to deadlock. Without manual intervention, traffic break down here.

One possibility is to increase the capacity of the passing loop. For example, subdivide longer sidings with signals. So that several trains can wait one after the other. By inserting two signals, the capacity was increased to 4 trains, two trains can now wait in each direction. This means that a total of 5 trains can now run. You have to do this for all passing loops. Remember: The smallest passing loop define the numbers of trains, on the the whole railway line.

Another option is to block the single-track sections of the route with long-block signals on both sides so that only one train can travel on the single-track section. This corresponds to point 4 in the example above. But be careful, this is not without its pitfalls and the waiting capacity must be provided on the two-track area in front of and behind.

How far does the long block signal extend?

The track is reserved until the next real signal.

When the path to the passing loop waiting area is free, the long block signal turns green.
Red the long block signal on the left.
Green the long block signal on the right.
Only one vehicle should be moving in the single-track area.

Two lane roads?

At the start of the game and during normal city growth, two-lane roads have been built since version 1.2. These could be boulevards or highways. Unfortunately, these streets are a bit random and are not planned by any city planner. In addition, if there are to be motorways, some reworking is necessary. The cross connections that Simutrans automatically builds must be deleted again and the traffic signs set up accordingly. For me, two-lane trams were the reason to change the configuration file cityrules.tab so that two-lane streets are created. I no longer wanted to tear down rows and rows of houses and weaken the city. Other players start with very small cities and specify the road grid and the two-lane traffic routes from the start. Each player has a different approach.
Since the highways are a matter of taste, some like them, others don't. There are two versions of the cityrules.tab in the config folder.
As the name suggests: with(mit) or without(ohne) highways. By renaming or copying to cityrules.tab you can choose whether two-lane roads are to be built.

Urban growth?
Pancakes or high-rise desert?

In the "cityrules.tab" file in the "config" folder there is a parameter "renovation_percentage = 4"
"renovation_percentage = 1" and the cities diverge like pancakes,
"renovation_percentage = 10" the houses rise in level quite quickly and become high-rise buildings.
The value can also be changed in the GUI under the settings in the toolbox. It is important to save and reload the game after the change.

Driving detours to earn additional money?

You can open public transport to a city with a single line, that leads in circle or even in snake lines through the city. This is much more profitable than a star-shaped development or even direct connections between the metropolitan centers. SIM passengers do not complain that they get a extensive sightseeing tour thru the city, on their daily way to work and have to pay extra for it. Even the ICE of Deutsche Bahn goes from Munich to Berlin over Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Hannover. Instead the short way over Landshut, Regensburg, Hof and Leipzig. (Only since the new built fast railway about Erfurt, this is no longer the case.) Of course, you have to pay for railway kilometers and these are a few more than the shortest distance between.

If you find that unreasonable:

You can set in config/simuconf.tab the parameter pay_for_total_distance = 2.
Grafik wo ist pay_for_total_distance
Then the SIM passengers pay for the air line between the start and destination and get the city tour for free from you. So if you drive detours then these are your costs. But beware, only about 10% detours are included in the calculation of the fares. If you drive more detours then the line will no more profitable. This makes Pak128.German significantly more difficulty.